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The vibrant color of feathers can be recreated by using short stitches and custom dyed silk
creating a look that will fly off the frame.


Cats of all shapes and sizes are perfectly captured by our artists using hundreds of stitching style, different types of needles, and a pair of skilled hands.


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There is nothing better then a beautiful and shiny mane on a horse for our artist to recreate that using fine silk.

Blood Hound

“When does the hunt begin?”

Any animal is welcome, our artists are only limited to the pictures you wish to use.


Our hand embroidered portraits are limited only to your imagination. All types of pets are welcome.

Savannah Cat

In order to create detail our artists will split a single strand of silk down to 1/32 of its original size to bring out the most realistic results.

Labrador Puppy

The life details of the silk really gives the picture a unique shine that makes the final product look alive.


Each individual embroidery will use over 200 different color combinations of silk to create that specific look for your pet.